It’s always best to start at the beginning.
— Glinda the Good Witch of the North

Check out my Obligatory First Post.

I’ve spent most of my life tinkering with technology. As an adult I’ve meandered deeply down the rabbit holes of productivity, quantified self, home automation, and all the various related gadgets along the way. Consistently I find that underneath a thin shiny vineer lies a more simple truth stands out:

Latest isn’t always greatest.

I do appreciate many of the world’s advancements. However, I’m beginning to believe we need to weave them in to our existing lives instead of replacing everything that existed before 18 months ago.

I’m reminded of Luke Skywalker on Tatooine. He’s farming and living in a rough partnership with the land while simultaneously working on very modern technology like drones and speeders. This balance of being in connection with life (and The Force) while not turning your back to the world you live in and all of its tooling and technology is what I’m aiming for; to apply technolology when it delivers true benefit without falling for the capitalist marking machine selling me a dream that doesn’t exist.